Thursday, February 20, 2014

Keepin' On Keepin' On

Holy moly! Time flies when you are trying to build up your calf muscles or just get in shape so you don't die on the first day of a cross country bike trip that will eventually come. About three and a half months people, THREE AND A HALF MONTHS (come March)! A lot has been happenin' so let me fill you in. 

Snow. About a foot of it. Rain, about four inches just today accompanied by thunder and lightning (although I did enjoy the sounds, but I've also been inside all day). Ice. Danger, Will Robinson. Sunshine. Makes all aforementioned precipitation slushy and sloshy. Welcome to Northeast Missouri! To combat this, I have been doing a lot of spinning at the Rec Center to get used to being on a bike because we all know that braving a Kirksville winter is quite impossible on a bike. 

I've been hoping for warm weather so I can finally get outside on my bike...which I ordered!!! It is going to be a black and red beauty. And I got my shoes in the mail today too and though we haven't been on a ride together yet, I think it'll be a match made in heaven. So while I daydream about riding outside, I can dress in my new shoes, biking shorts, jersey, and pretend that I get to do the real shebang. (Does that remind you of William Hung's American Idol audition because that's right where my mind went when I wrote that...)

On a semi-serious note, I have fundraised $2,525! I'm over half way there! That is incredible and I have some really awesome donors who love me. All I can say is that I am beyond humbled by having that much already. And so a shout out is in order: to all my donors, THANK YOU. Your generosity and support is overwhelming and I couldn't think of a better cause to be working for. If you want to donate to this affordable housing, check out my profile at 

I'll be checking back in soon. Nasdrave and Ride on.